Nipsey Hustle – Mark My Words (TwilightBiscuit Remix) [FREE DOWNLOAD]

Nipsey Hussle war schon einer meiner Wegbegleiter in Sachen Rap und HipHop. Auch das, was Nipsey für seine Gemeinde tat und für seine Mitmenschen da war. Mit diesem Remix möchte ich mich dafür bedanken. Ich hoffe ihr auch genauso viel Spaß mit dem Mark My Words Remix wie ich und...

Audio Production | Beat Maker | Instrumental | Composer

If you always wanted to know how to produce an instrumental, record a voice nicely, program drums or a synth, produce a complete song or master a finished mix? Then just write to us at Visit us on our Insta page Visit us on SoundCloud   Wenn...

Let Loose | Instrumental | Pop | Beat | Vienna

Manchmal, sitze ich bloß da und stelle mir vor, wie es jetzt wohl im Süden wäre. Am Strand, in der Sonne, irgendwo in Thailand, Kroatien, Türkei, Griechenland, Zypern oder auf den Seychellen. Das wäre es. Let Loose von TwilightBiscuit lädt auf eine abenteuerliche Reise durch Thailand ein. Solltest du Fragen...

A Day Of Rain | Instrumental | Beat | Download

Who doesn't enjoy a nice rainy day, the smell of the leaves and a breeze on our faces. Let's take a walk and have a breath of fresh air. And when we don't want to walk anymore we could call a cab! Wer genießt nicht einen schönen Regentag, den Geruch...

Compression | Audio Mixing | Mastering

Ok, so what is a compressor? I find that Wikipedia explains compressors in general quite to the point: Dynamic range compression (DRC) or simply compression is an audio signal processing operation that reduces the volume of loud sounds thus reducing dynamic range of an audio signal. Compression is commonly used...

Beat Making | Instrumental | Velden | Road Trip

The Sportwagenvestial Velden is one of the largest sports car events in Europe. Every year, mid June, people come with their exclusive and expensive cars to Carinthia. So we also decided to got there for the weekend. And it was amazing taking a road trip with the whole music crew....
